Websites Influence 97 Percent of Clients’ Purchasing Decisions
The design of your website is very important. There are also statistics to back up this claim. According to a survey by Forbes, 97% of clients purchasing decisions are influenced by a company’s website.
This is what we are going to cover today:
- Website Design
- Website Usability
- What Does Your Website Provide or Offer it’s Users
- Website Call to Action
- Using Websites to Capture Leads
General Overview of Website Design
The look and feel of the website should feel unique and not cookie cutter. The user experience should make them want to buy from you right now, because your website design is second to none.Your website is considered your digital storefront. So, you always want to have your best foot forward. Walking around a store is a lot like navigating a website. If your store is designed well, it will be profitable and successful. If it is not designed well, it will flounder and fail. Make sure that your website design reflects your company branding and image. This is most important. When people land on your website from an ad or other form of marketing tool, they immediately recognize your company. Second is a beautiful design and fluid navigation. These both go hand in hand. There are many aspects to consider when designing a website. If you’re not using an in house team, make sure you’re using the best website design company. DCD is a good place to start – shameless plug … (you know, this is our blog you’re reading)
Website Usability
Anyway, back to Website Usability. Who likes to land on a website and click 4 or five times to find what they’re looking for? Nobody, (if you answered yes, you’re the 1% that don’t mind) How your website template is designed is very important. While you’re still in the planning stages, before a line of html5 code is written, make a sitemap. Draw everything on a giant dry erase board or use a program like OmniGraffle to help you see the layout. Making a visual plan of how your website design will flow helps you discovery better ways of organizing your content. This makes your website easier to use and more user friendly.
What Does Your Website Provide or Offer it’s Users?
Websites have an incredible impact on the visitor regarding your company. There must be a distinct reason for people to come to your website. If you are a photographer, you must have a photo gallery of your portfolio. If you’re a restaurant, you must have your menu. These things go without saying however many times the focus is lost and the website suffers from lack of direction. Set goals, optimize for said goals and execute with absolute precision.
Website Call to Action
A website is a perfect moment to offer (sell) something to your client. Maybe it doesn’t cost anything and it is a free consultation, or a free trial. Maybe you can include an additional product with purchase. These offers should be viewable immediately on the homepage and have a link to click to buy or accept. There should also be a place for your customers to purchase something immediately. Monetizing your website will boost sales and increase revenue. (Not to mention capture leads. More on this next…)
Using Websites to Capture Leads
How do you use your website to capture leads? For starters, you’re going to want to have a free newsletter sign up. This is the easiest way to capture a lead. You could even give something away for free to entice people to sign up faster. Be sure to actually send a newsletter, or else it becomes a wasted marketing tool. You can also offer a free report, or special deal, the options are pretty much endless, just for submitting their name and email. You can always ask for their address and phone number however their name and email is priority.
Website Design Wrap Up
So, after considering all of these options, don’t forget that you’re going to want to integrate you social media strategy, search engine optimization strategy, and pay per click (ppc) strategy. When everything works together it runs like a well oiled machine needing only maintenance and a little TLC.