How to Promote Your Videos Using Social Media
Social media is the perfect way to promote your video and gain likes. As a video production company in Atlanta as well as a social media marketing agency we’ll be reviewing some of the methods we utilize ourselves to gain more views and increase our leads.
Publish your videos on Google+
While you might think that nobody is using Google+ this is quite the contrary. There are millions of Google+ users and this is an ideal platform for sharing your promo videos and web commercials. The viewer screen is large and the video quality is superb. Posting your video on Google+ also helps your viewers share the video easier and thus more likely to be shared.
Publish Your Video on Facebook
Over 800 billion minutes are spent on Facebook every month. WOW – if your promo video is not posted on Facebook you’re seriously missing out on some serious views. You can now use hashtags with Facebook so this is a easy way to organize your videos and help your content be found by other Facebook users.
Tweet Your Video
Once you’ve published your video on Facebook or Google+ you should also tweet that link on Twitter. Write a catchy, intriguing, or teaser tweet and send it our to all of your followers. You’re likely to get some major hits depending on your follower count and don’t forget to create a hashtag to organize your video tweets. Twitter users are typically viewing your tweets on a mobile device and it’s not uncommon for someone interested in learning more to venture to your website. Make sure you have a mobile optimized website or at a minimum a responsive website design if you decide to tweet your video.
Share Your Video on Tumblr
For those of you not familiar with Tumblr, it’s a micro blogging website. It’s growing in size and according to Quantcast there are over 5 billion page views per month! Needless to say, this is a spectacular and lively social media location for sharing your video content. When you post your video to Tumblr, write a detailed description of what your video is about. Include some tages for organization as well as a few hashtags for good measure, enjoy!
Pin Your Video to Pinterest
One of the fastest growing social media websites of 2012, Pinterest is sure to be an excellent place to share your e-commerce video or promo video. Sharing your video is simple. Using their pin-it tool you simply click the mouse and pit the video to your digital post-it board. A thumbnail will automatically be generated. Like you have previously, incorporate a description and include tags/hashtags. Another way for Pinterest users to find their way back to your website is to include a short url of your website.
Concluding How to Promote Your Video Using Social Media
When it is all said and done, it’s not enough anymore to simply have your video on your website. Video needs to be shared across as many online platforms as you can muster. The more opportunities potential leads have to watch a promo video about your products or services the more likely they are to discover your company and choose to purchase from you.
I don’t normally share my videos online, but when I do, I use social media websites. Keep sharing my friend.