20 Types of Inbound Marketing Content You Can Create Right Now [Video]

Here are 20 types of essential inbound marketing content you can create to use with inbound marketing. As you know, creating content is a necessary task when running a successful inbound marketing campaign. Sometimes we get tunnel vision and have a hard time branching out. Here’s a simple list of content you can use as inspiration for your next piece of inbound marketing content.

Why is Creating This Content Important?

Here are a few statistic backed reasons why you should consider creating a lot of content for your online presence.

41% of marketers say inbound marketing produced measurable ROI in 2013 (Hubspot). You can measure the results of your content. This is key to seeing what is working and what is not.

15% of marketers tie their inbound results directly to either company revenue or customers/wins generated (Hubspot). Seeing is believing. You can see how these marketers understand the power of a well thought out content marketing strategy.

82% of marketers who blog daily acquired a customer using their blog, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog monthly — which, by itself, is still an impressive result (Hubspot). You’re creating quality content for people to learn something. Not only are they learning about what you’re writing about but they’re learning about you. Show your expertise and it’s only a matter of time before they turn into a client.

43% of marketers generated a customer via their blog with less than 10% of total time allocation (Hubspot). Dedicate time to creating quality content and you’ll reap the benefits. Develop a consistent plan for producing and delivering content.

Content Examples for Inbound Marketing


  • Articles
  • Blog Posts
  • Books
  • eBooks
  • Brochures
  • Free Trials
  • Press Releases
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Webinars
  • White Papers
  • Podcasts
  • Information Guides
  • Online Courses
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Promo Videos
  • How to Videos
  • Video Blogs
  • Infographics
  • Meme Comics
  • Guest Blogs


Closing Thoughts About Content Creation for Inbound Marketing

A few closing remarks to remember when creating content for your prospects is just that, you’re creating it for people not search bots. Watch this video about 4 essential on-page content marketing tips and you can apply them to each of your pieces of content. Creating quality content for your potential customers need to be the goal of your marketing strategy. Use these 20 content ideas for inbound marketing and I’m sure you’ll see awesome results.

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