3 Ways You Can Optimize YouTube Videos to Generate Leads [VIDEO]
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and as a business owner or marketing professional, you can’t help but use it to grow your business. It’s not enough to just have a video on YouTube but it needs to be optimized to attract more traffic and more visitors to your website. I’m going to share with you three ways that you can optimize your YouTube videos to generate more leads on your website.
Why are Optimized YouTube Videos Important for Businesses & Marketing Professionals?
YouTube is a highly active search engine with more than 1 billion unique users each month. The library of video content is growing with over 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. When you factor in the projected 50% of internet traffic will be online video, these figures are hard to ignore. I can only encourage you to take advantage of this growing marketing channel and consult with a video production company to produce the greatest production value.
Optimize Video Title with Keywords
Your YouTube video title needs to grab the viewers attention but also explain to the viewer what the video is about. The title also tells the search engines like Google, what your video is about. There is space for you to use 70 characters in your video title and each of these characters needs to be carefully chosen. They need to describe what the video is about but in a way that is going to include the keywords that you are targeting as part of your video search optimization.
Add Keyword Optimized Tags
When you’re uploading your video onto YouTube they give you the option to include some tags that describe your video. Tags within your video are extremely important because tags tell Google exactly which keywords are included in your video. We have seen time and time again that tags within a video description have a huge benefit for showing up in the search results for those particular keywords. The first 10 keywords are included within the meta-description that search engines will read. Ensuring that you benefit from this capability, make sure that you choose 10 well optimized keywords that describe your video and target the visitors that you want to have watch your video.
Use Keyword Rich Annotations
If you have watched videos on YouTube you might have noticed, as the video is playing you suddenly see a small text box pop-up telling you to either click or subscribe to a video. These are known as video annotations. Annotations within your video give the viewer the opportunity to click on a call-to-action (CTA). They can go to a landing page for a specific offer on your website, or they can subscribe to your YouTube channel. An additional benefit of using annotations within your YouTube videos is they are keyword rich links. This means that the words that are used within those annotations play a factor in what Google uses to understand what a video is about. This is a great opportunity to further optimize your videos with keyword rich content that is optimized for not only the viewer but also for search engines.
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