3 Corporate Video Productions to Integrate with Inbound Marketing

When you consider that 50% of internet traffic in 2014 will be online video and over 60% of companies have adopted some element of the inbound marketing methodology into their overall strategy (HubSpot), businesses that integrate both corporate video production and inbound marketing will have a serious advantage. The first step of course is developing a video marketing strategy. Part of that strategy includes determining the types of videos and their content that you’re going to incorporate. Here are kinds of videos that you should consider integrating into your inbound marketing strategy.

Business Profile Videos

Businesses of every size and industry should have a business profile video. These videos should be located on either their homepage or the about us page of their website. These kinds of videos range in length from 60 seconds to 15 minutes. We have found that the sweet spot is keeping them to a 2:30 minute minimum. This provides you with a reasonable amount of information while not overdoing it. If your business has several divisions you might also consider creating a few of these videos that are more detailed. United Controls International is a perfect example of a corporation that created a primary business profile video while also creating additional video segments that cover their different services in greater detail. Click here to see their complete video series.

Educational Video Series

One of the foundations of Inbound marketing is attracting your prospects with content. A lot of that content involves educating the reader about your industry, solving problems and answering questions. Incorporating an educational video series into your inbound marketing can add an incredible value to your content. If the decision maker you’re targeting is a member of the C-Suite then you’ll love the fact that 59% of C-Suite Executives watch video. Educational videos are perfect for video blogging or vlogging. TalentZoo.com created a video series that educates job seekers on best practices, tips, and tricks. Click here to see their videos.

Introduction & Welcome Videos

You only get one first impression, period. There’s no going back. When a visitor first comes to your website they are making a lot of judgements about your business. These judgments can be hard to overcome if your first impression isn’t a good one. Incorporating a introduction video, also known as a website welcome video is a great way to guide their perception of your company. Introducing your business, firm or practice and leading the first impression process gives you an advantage over your competitors. The likelihood that your website visitors will watch your video is pretty high since 83% of website viewers will watch your video. Richard Howe from Howe & Associates presents his debt collection firm with this prime example of an introductory or website welcome video.



The common theme with these videos is that they are presenting their businesses in a well organized and professional manner. The videos lend themselves to the inbound marketing methodology because they are not 30 second advertisements but genuine informational tools. Each of these videos can be used at different stages of the inbound buying cycle. The educational videos at the top of the funnel, the introduction video at the middle of the funnel, and finally the overview being used at the bottom of the funnel. One of the best advantages to using video content with your inbound marketing campaigns is the ability to rinse and repeat. Once the first investment of time, energy, and capital are made, they benefits are long lasting. Additionally you can use YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia to review and analyze your videos’ analytics.

I’m looking forward to hearing your comments. Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below or send me a tweet @davidcarondc to continue the conversation.

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