Video Production Tips for Producing High Quality Web Commercials
If you are running your own business and want people to start recognizing your brand, products, or services, taking advantage of the Internet and the advertising opportunities it offers is a must. Web commercials allow you to conveniently and effectively promote your products and services to a wider audience. Since most people use their cell phones and computers almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the chances of your video being seen are high. If you are planning to shoot and make a web commercial or online video ad, here are some tips to consider.
Web Commercials Require a Strong Concept
Like traditional television commercials, make sure your internet commercial has a strong concept. A commercial that does not have an interesting concept will just prompt web users to switch pages or ignore the commercial. Without a strong concept, you will not even convince anyone to patronize your products or services and they will definitely not listen to your advertising pitch. Do not waste your resources. Make sure you have strong concept before anything else.
Take Your Time
If you are undecided on what to create, do not hastily produce a online video ad just for the sake of making one. Doing some research is your bet. Watch as many web promotional videos as you can and learn a trick or two. Do not copy these videos because this can affect the integrity and image of your company. Instead, these commercials should be used for inspiration. If you are working with a video production company, ask them to make a commercial that is unique for your business.
Your Goals Should Supersede your Budget
A strong and interesting concept does not always mean being flashy. Being realistic with your concept is better. Just because you saw a nice promotional video shot in an exotic location does not mean you can always follow suit. There are many factors to consider and one of the most important ones is your budget. A strong concept that is appropriate for your goals and budget is the best. Making a video can entail hefty costs. However, a web video is not going to be as expensive as advertisements with real actresses and actors that you usually see on TV. A fresh and unique commercial is also a must.
Keep Web Commercials Short in Length
Aside from the content, another thing that should be considered when making a web commercial is the length of the video. The longest commercials are not necessarily the ones that can effectively get your point across. Most web users do not have the patience to sit through a long advertisement. There are not many long commercials on television; not because of how expensive these commercials are going to be, but mostly because no one is interested in listening to long advertisements regarding a product or service. The same is applicable for an online video ad. A online commercial should last up to 45 seconds. It is better for web promotional videos to be short as long as the important message you want to get across to customers is relayed.
Professional is Credible
It is important to note that what looks good on print does not look as good on video. If you plan to make a web commercial using only PowerPoint text, you might want to reconsider. This can be quite dull. Hire a professional video scriptwriter to help you if you cannot think of other alternatives. In addition, make sure to hire the right spokesperson to promote the message on your video. Like television commercials, your message will only be credible if the spokesperson is credible as well.
Consider The Audience
When planning your internet commercials, make sure to always consider who your audience is as well as who makes up your target market. A younger market will be the ones who find funny web commercials more appealing, while an older market will find serious ones more engrossing. Creating your web commercial requires serious planning.
Example Web Commercial or Online Video Ad:
If you lack the experience or skills to make web commercials, hiring a professional to help you is the best alternative. It is also important to make sure to hire reputable ones that can offer a good price. Relying on a professional can cut the time in half that you will devote to making the commercial. In addition, make sure to participate in every step of the video production process. Even if you have a professional doing the majority of the work, your participation and input will surely help create a commercial that you will be satisfied with. Download our video production guide to get started on the right track.
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