How to Set Goals for Your Video Production
Setting goals for your video production is the first step to the production process. As a video production company in Atlanta, we recommend you set clearly defined goals so that you’re less likely to waste time and money. There are three primary goals that need to be defined prior to beginning your video production. Even though there are probably hundreds of objectives you can achieve with a video, these are the most important ones to focus on.
Video Production Budget
The first goal is to determine your budget. Even though you might not have any idea how much a video production costs, you need to define what you are willing to invest. When you speak with a production company, it’s best to keep your cards close to your chest at first. Don’t just look at their video portfolio, ask the video production house what their typical budgets look like and you can gauge pretty well if you and them are going to jive well or not. When you consider your video budget, factor in the return you are trying to benefit from once produced. This segues perfectly into my next primary video planning goal… video marketing success.
Video Marketing Success
Defining what you are trying to achieve by producing a video is often an overlooked attribute to the video production process. Having clearly defined marketing goals which determine if the video has been successful or not, will give you the benchmark for your video budget. Ponder the the following considerations:
- What are we wanting to achieve monetarily?
- What do we hope to gain from producing this video (or videos)?
- What will we consider a success after we produce this video?
What you are wanting to achieve with your video is directly related with the level of investment you are going to make. Many times a company will come to us and explain that they are looking to achieve a 25% increase in revenue from the previous year and they want video to help them reach that goal. Increasing their revenue by $100,000 or more is a great goal but there’s more to it. They can reach their goal but the key phrase is “we want video to help” – a video alone is not going to get you an increase in revenue by 25% but it can certainly play a major factor in a more complex marketing strategy. Think of it this way, if you want to make a lot of money you’re going to need to invest money according to the return you would like to see.
Video Production Timeline
How quickly can we get this done, we are on a deadline? So often we hear this question. Companies rushing into video like it’s a mad race to the finish line and they just need to get the video completed and distributed. I really think that this makes for a poor video and low production value. The best videos take a little bit of time to work out the kinks in the script; hit key points and proper messaging. So, take a breather and plan your production right. At DCD we focus a lot of time and energy during the initial pre-production phase of the video production process. This is very important to do since you’re investing a lot of money into your video. By taking the extra time and planning your video well right from the beginning, you’re going to have a much better video production experience. Give yourself plenty of time from when you’re choosing a video production studio to when you need the videos completed. We would recommended a minimum timeline be 30 days. You can of course complete a video in a few days if necessary but that’s not recommended.
Video Goals Summery
Define your budget, clarify what your will be considered a marketing success and get yourself on a production timeline. Overall these goals will help you plan your video production to be an enjoyable experience and help you realize your marketing and monetary goals.
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