Why Your Business Needs A Facebook Business Page
Facebook is an extremely powerful social media site when utilized for a business. Having a Facebook for your business can be very helpful in drawing new leads to your company’s website.
One reason is simply because of how popular Facebook is. The word ”Facebook” is the number one most searched term online, and number one most visited site on the world wide web. 4% of all internet searches are for the word “Facebook.” Facebook draws in a crowd, which is directly reflected by its page views. Facebook generates a staggering 770 billion page views per month. That’s almost 25.7 billion page views a day.
People enjoy interacting with their favorite businesses on Facebook. It’s because your company can interact with fans in a back and forth dialogue. This is called an interactive dialogue. Fans appreciate being able to comment, post and like their favorite businesses, and they especially like knowing that business appreciates them. They like to know that there’s someone on the other end of the internet who appreciates their input.
The more likes something has on Facebook the more money it will generate. It seems like everywhere I look there are ads saying “like us on Facebook.” This is because when people interact (like, comment, and post) with a business’ page those interactions lead a consumer’s Facebook friends back to the business’ Facebook page, and back to your business’ website. When people like something on Facebook they are supplying a free testimonial about how awesome whatever they like is.
Facebook should be utilized by all businesses because it’s so popular, people enjoy interacting with businesses Facebook pages, and because people will support businesses for free by liking, commenting and posting about that business.