3 Easy Video Marketing Tips

So you’ve created your top notch corporate video or Atlanta promo video. Now what do you do? Here are a few easy video marketing tips that you can use to configure your videos to increase viewers and the overall value of your video production in Atlanta.

Analyze Your Video Title and Include Keywords

When you’re deciding the title of your video, do some keyword research.  Include keywords that people are searching for in your industry. For your corporate video, don’t make the title “Our Corporate Overview Video”. How interesting is this? It’s not very exciting is it?  Make your video title a little more captivating –  “What makes {Your Company} tick video?” You get the idea… Interesting is best. You want people to watch it!

Host Your Video On Multiple Platforms

An excellent tip for video marketing is hosting your video in multiple locations. Videos need to be available on every possible online video sharing and social media site on the web! An average U.S. Internet user watches 186 videos per month and your site is 50 times more likely to appear on the first page of Google search results if your site includes video (Source: Forrester Research).

Share, Link, Talk, Blog, Tweet, Your Videos

You might think that this is a given but how many times do we skip over one of the channels just because we are lazy? The more links that you have pointing to your video the better. The more platforms you have your video shared means the greater opportunity of your video being seen. If they watch it while browsing another site, think of how many more click throughs you’ll receive.

So, you need to use keywords in your video title, host the video in multiple locations, and share, your video on as many social media channels as possible. Incorporating these simple video marketing tips into your marketing campaign is an essential step to increasing video views and seeing a return on your video production investment.