Three Easy Steps to Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Increase Lead Conversion Rates with These Simple Steps

Any business website is not functioning correctly if it isn’t bringing in visitors, leads, and clients for the business it represents. If you’re having trouble converting your visitors to leads, and leads to clients here are three easy steps that can help boost your conversion rate.

Provide Appealing Offers:

Provide some incentive for website visitors through special offers, coupons, and discounts for doing business with you online. You could offer an online coupon, or provide free shipping, in exchange for their interest in your business. If you can influence people to visit your site for reasons that are different than to simply get information then you’ve completed the first step in increasing conversion. Your offer should lead people to your landing pages so they will be nudged in the direction of a sale.

Focus on the Popular Pages of Your Site:

If you look at your website views from an analytical perspective you will note that some pages garner more views than others. Looking at what pages are and aren’t viewed can show you what the strengths and weaknesses of your business are online. You need to place your Call-to-actions on your pages that receive the most views and the most traffic. This is going to utilize all the traffic you’re already getting, and this can drastically increase conversion rates.

Make Converting Easy & Painless

In order to make conversion easy make sure your website visitors can get around your website easily. Your website should load quickly, and making an online sale should be an easy step by step process that doesn’t take a long time. Your website visitors are the ones buying from you, don’t make it difficult.

In summary all three of these steps aren’t very difficult, and they will increase conversion if done right. So get out there and brainstorm some promotional offers, place your CTA’s in heavy traffic pages, and make sure your site is easily navigable.

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