The TRUE Definition of Video Marketing Goes Beyond Video

There’s more than one meaning of Video Marketing?

Hi everyone, I want to share with you a little bit of insight into what is video marketing. We have two opinions; one is the traditional opinion of what video marketing is and the one that is widely accepted by most people and then we have our opinion. What is DCD’s approach towards video marketing. That definition of what video marketing is at least that’s the way we like to look at it. So you can then decide for yourself which is a better definition of video marketing.


What is Video Marketing

Let’s begin, you have what is video marketing: the traditionally accepted definition is incorporating video-content into your marketing campaigns. For example it could be that you are using video in TV advertising, online advertising, you’re using it on your website, using it in a blog.

  • TV Advertising
  • Online Video Advertising
  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Blogging
  • etc…

Anyone of your marketing campaigns you can incorporate video into it and then you have video marketing. Thats the widely accepted point of view. This makes a lot of sense, but we think that there’s a little bit more to that.

There’s more to Video Marketing than you think

We believe that video marketing is getting a specific video in front of a targeted audience with the goal up getting that audience to take specific action. When you think of video marketing in that light, it’s much more sophisticated. There’s a lot more that is involved then just producing a video and uploading it to your website or putting it on social media. You know those are all great delivery methods and distribution channels but that in my opinion, doesn’t really define what video marketing is.

“We believe that video marketing is getting a specific video in front of a targeted audience with the goal up getting that audience to take specific action.”

Video marketing is getting a specific video in front of a targeted audience with the goal them taking a specific action. Hopefully you can take that to heart and rather than thinking “oh let’s just create some video content and put it on our website” or start advertising with video. Rather think of video marketing is being a much more sophisticated process of targeted results that are driven by your goals rather than just “hey we want to start using video.”

In some upcoming videos I’ll be covering in greater detail: how to determine your specific video(s), how to use videos to target your audience, and how to use videos to make people take action.

Let me know if you have any questions and be sure to join the conversation in the comments below!


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