Five Arguments for Video Marketing That Drive Serious Results

If you’re considering video marketing, you’ve likely done some research. If you’ve done some research, you’ve likely been bombarded with “eye-popping” numbers that will “blow your mind.” 100 million Internet users watch an online video each day. 90% of online shoppers find e-commerce videos helpful in making purchasing decisions. 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read your copy. These numbers can make a case for video marketing, they can make a case for engagement, and they can even make a case for strategic purchase funnel planning. With the recognition that 75% of statistics are made up, there’s a better way to make a case for the efficacy of video marketing. We’re going to lay it out for you.

How Video Marketing Drives Serious Results

1 – A picture is worth 1,000 words, what’s the exchange rate for video?

Actually, according to Forrester Research, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. Why? Video combines sight and sound to take the viewer on a journey. You chart the course, you control what they see and when they see it, and you decide when it ends. It gives you an opportunity to frame your product in whatever situation or environment you choose. It is the ultimate storyteller’s medium and this story is all about your marketing message.

2 – A tool with many uses

Well-produced video can provide returns on your investment for years to come. With a little advance planning, that TV commercial can turn into a long-form web video. That web video can be cut down into a 15 second introduction video for your email campaign. That introduction video can become part of your social marketing strategy.

3 – The power of visualization

There is no other form of communication as adept at simplifying the complex and visualizing a process. Imagine your product is a hair-coloring foam. A well-crafted video could show a model using the product, then zoom into her hair to visualize how the product works, showing the coloring molecules penetrating the hair follicle, moisturizing the hair, and transforming her color. In 30 seconds, you’ve explained what would take you as many minutes in person.

4 – Sharing potential

When was the last time someone invited you to his or her desk to read something over your shoulder? Now, think about the last time you saw several co-workers gathered around a computer monitor watching something on video. We’re not maligning the written word here, but video is much more likely to be shared, spread, or passed on.

5 – Make an emotional argument

Video gives you many opportunities to make an overt statement about your product. However, the best video marketing makes a less obvious emotional argument about your product. The combination of scene, music, actors and graphics can make your audience feel something about your product. Suddenly, it’s not just the best home alarm in town; it’s the one that makes them feel safe. That is the unrivaled magic of video.

Take Action Now

If you’re looking for a trusted Atlanta video production company that can help you acheive your business goals and you’re looking for that special team of Atlanta videographers, that can help your business succeed, contact us today and receive your complementary video production consultation. There’s no better time to make your video production for business work for you. DCD is your trusted resource for inbound marketingvideo productionweb design and more!

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