Blogging? Maybe You Are, But Not Frequently Enough!

Are you blogging? Maybe you are, but you’re blogging frequently enough or in a way that will maximize your SEO strategy. Or maybe you’re not blogging because you don’t have enough time? No matter the reason or excuse, a website without a fully-optimized blog is poorly positioned to drive traffic and leads. Your website is simply not working for you like it should.

Four Amazing Blogging Statistics for Generating Leads

  • Nearly 40% of US companies use blogs for marketing purposes.
  • B2C companies that blog generate 88% more leads per month than those who do not.
  • B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not.
  • 2/3 of marketers say their company blog is “critical” or “important” to their business.

What Do These Blogging Statistics Mean?

Something that you must consider with your internet marketing campaigns is that prospects, customers and search engines all love the content generated through blogging. Prospects like blog content because it helps them understand what your company does. Blogging educates the reader and positions your business as an expert in the topic of the blog. Your customers like reading blogs because it helps them stay up to date with your offerings and provides thought leadership. Search engines love blogs because each post represents another page that they can index for a specific topic and feed to others searching that phrase.

Trouble Blogging Enough to Generate Good Leads?

A great way to increase your blogging frequency is to Invite guest bloggers. This is an awesome way to gain more readers and help another blogger publish some of their amazing blogging content. By featuring another blogger and working with another companies, shows your clients that you are trying to keep things fresh and interesting. This guest blogging mutually benefits both companies.

So, get your act together! Create your WordPress blog or ramp up your existing blog platform and create more content! Ask yourself, are you blogging enough?

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